Weaving Colors

Sculpture # 40: “Weaving Colors” January 2022

This sculpture combines a “spherical cube with six panels” with each edge
a different color and the junction of the colors are all different. A black line
continuum weave, “over and under”, crosses the colored lines and is a
connector for the entire sphere
With my “sphere series” the sculptures are an expression of the 4th
dimension art that I enjoy creating. You cannot see the whole piece of art
in one view, so to be able see the whole sphere it must change in position.
I encourage the owner/recipient to change the position of the sculpture on
the base for a “new” look, and the sculpture base is placed on a lazy Susie
so it can be turned to a different position also. This brings the owner/
recipient in touch with the art and can adjust their preference as to the part
to be appreciated.