Cube with Six Holes and Black Line Weave

Sculpture # 42: “Cube with Six Holes and Black Line Weave”: 1/2023
(Gore, New Zealand).

This piece represents a composition representing
the “exterior and the interior” by opening up the cube with six 4inch holes.
These holes created a lighter appearance and allowed for taping and
painting on the interior. The acrylic painted black line weave brought
together the interior and exterior. The variable position of the line on the
interior and exterior and the width of this line promoted the unifying effect
desired. The piece changes its appearance with repositioning on another
face of the cube. The piece was given to Gula and Victor Kovarski of Gore.
This couple’s generosity during our visits and work were exceptional and
Wt: 25kgs., length and width each 11.5 inches and height: 9.5 inches